Course Description
I've been struggling with anxiety since I was in high school, but it became especially hard to manage once I started my business. In this $10 Training, I'll share with you a few strategies and resources I find especially useful in keeping my anxiety at bay.
In this we're going to focus how to get through anxiety on a day to day basis and what strategies have allowed me to become a successful business owner while living with anxiety.
BONUS: Includes a PDF Anxiety to Action Flow Chart!
(This is a recording of a previously held live Master Class. For upcoming classes, click here)
*I’m not a medical professional and the content within these classes and this content is not medical advice, but rather a personal account of how I’ve gotten a handle on my own anxiety. If anxiety (or any mental health concern) is getting in the way of your quality of life, I could not recommend more that you seek medical help, which changed and saved my life.

Strength Builder & Storytelling Strategist
Allyn Lewis
Course curriculum
Recording will be posted here after the live class!
How I Manage My Anxiety While Running a Business
Anxiety to Action Flowchart
Can't wait to get started on your story?
$49.9960 Minutes to a Stronger Brand