Course Description

I've been struggling with anxiety since I was in high school, but it became especially hard to manage once I started my business. In this $10 Training, I'll share with you a few strategies and resources I find especially useful in keeping my anxiety at bay.

In this we're going to focus how to get through anxiety on a day to day basis and what strategies have allowed me to become a successful business owner while living with anxiety.

BONUS: Includes a PDF Anxiety to Action Flow Chart!

(This is a recording of a previously held live Master Class. For upcoming classes, click here)

*I’m not a medical professional and the content within these classes and this content is not medical advice, but rather a personal account of how I’ve gotten a handle on my own anxiety. If anxiety (or any mental health concern) is getting in the way of your quality of life, I could not recommend more that you seek medical help, which changed and saved my life.

Strength Builder & Storytelling Strategist

Allyn Lewis

My name is Allyn Lewis and I strategize stories. When I was in high school, my dad committed suicide and it shattered my world. Now, while battling my own mental health issues, I’m helping entrepreneurs around the world style their own stories to find strengths in their struggles to grow extraordinary brands.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Recording will be posted here after the live class!

    • How I Manage My Anxiety While Running a Business

    • Anxiety to Action Flowchart

Can't wait to get started on your story?

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    $49.9960 Minutes to a Stronger Brand

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